Year: 2022
Material: Aluminum Sheet Metal, Hinges, Wood, LED lighting & Reflective material
This sculpture is a study of Brazilian artist Lygia Clark. Clark’s metal work stemmed from her admiration of architecture in the form of physical joints and anatomy. I wanted to create a sculpture which constantly changed form and was mutli-functional, with no front or back, no top or bottom, no right or left no right or wrong. Multi-part bodies that are connected and disconnected, the potential of falling, collapsing, joining, attaching and dissembling.
I wanted to create a sculpture in a unfamiliar nature that is unrecognisable and its full form never revealed or clear as the active viewer starts to change the sculpture appearance by moving the metal segments. The appearance of the piece is constantly changing form and character, including the red light bounces off the metal and reflective material - confusing the viewer further.